Edward Thomas in 1905
Edward Thomas is one of our country’s unsung literary heroes. He lost his life in 1917 during the First World War and his words and poetry are little known to the vast majority of people, which is sad as many well known authors, musicians and poets cite him as an influence. I had certainly never heard of him until a few months ago.
His last literary work ‘In Pursuit Of Spring’ was published in 1914 about a cycle trip he made from London to Somerset. Tim had the lovely idea of ‘Pedal Folk’ recreating this journey.
We have set aside the last week of April next year to make this happen and below is a rough idea of what the route looks like and the sort of schedule and venues we hope to sort out.
PLEASE NOTE – this is our tour wish list! none of these gigs are confirmed/booked and most of the venues don’t even know who we are and what we are up to yet – best pencil into diary if you are that way inclined.
Date |
Town/City |
Venue wish list |
21/04/14 |
Monday |
Day 1 |
London |
Cecil Sharp House |
22/04/14 |
Tuesday |
Day 2 |
Farnham |
Farnham Maltings |
23/04/14 |
Wednesday |
Day 3 |
Winchester |
The Railway Inn |
24/04/14 |
Thursday |
Day 4 |
Salisbury |
Salisbury Arts Centre |
25/04/14 |
Friday |
Day 5 |
Trowbridge |
Arts Centre |
26/04/14 |
Saturday |
Day 6 |
Glastonbury |
Assembly Rooms Fabulous Furry Folk night |
27/04/14 |
Sunday |
Day 7 |
Crowcombe |
Halsway Manor |
View In Pursuit Of Spring in a larger map